CRB introduces its newest Horizons report,
exploring how the age of digitalization is transforming the food and beverage manufacturing industry.

Take a peek inside the report below. 

What to Expect in the Report

In a world of hot takes from outsiders, our report offers an inside perspective from the front lines of food and beverage manufacturing, serving as a searchlight amid the confusion. We illuminate the path ahead by exploring Industry 4.0 not as a catch-all term but as a concrete objective enabled by realistic, incremental steps. This is no general conversation—this is a close and specific examination of the digital era, as experienced and reported directly by your peers.

In our report, our SMEs tackle that question head-on and from multiple angles. Once again, they do so with the survey responses of over 300 industry leaders who weigh in on the challenges and strategies surrounding operational efficiencies, labor shortages, Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) initiatives, and hamstrung capital budgets. 

Table of Contents

Executive summary: A new era of food and beverage manufacturing
is calling—and we’re listening
  1. Digital manufacturing: Navigating the journey to value
  2. Know before you grow: How data-driven insights are helping
    manufacturers improve and expand operations
  3. ESG implementation: Where we are, where we’re going and
    solutions to fuel the journey
  4. Addressing labor force needs: Strategies for attracting and
    retaining talent to complement digital solutions
  5. Less cash, more value: Automation and the push to maximize
    capital spending
Digital Age of Food Manufacturing Report Cover_RGB

What those in the industry are saying about our Horizons reports...

“The findings of this study of the dynamic alternative proteins sector provide both surprises and confirmation of the trends we are witnessing in the marketplace today.”

Christopher Shanahan,
Research Director and Head of Agriculture & Nutrition Research
Frost & Sullivan

“The Horizons reports provide feedback from food manufacturers, that not only complements consumer trends but also helps educators like myself develop valuable training programs or update our curriculum.”

Mary-Grace C Danao,
Research Associate Professor,
University of Nebraska-Lincoln

“The Horizons report was helpful and the data and analysis in the report was succinct and helped confirm that my ideas were also trends in the industry.”

Trishul Shah,
Director, Business Development
PolyPeptide Group